Meet The Staff: Laurie Ramsey

Author: Pot-O-Gold
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Categories: Employee Highlights

Welcome back to Meet The Staff! Today’s focus is on Laurie Ramsey, Our newest customer service representative. She has been with us since July 2017. “Every day is a new day.” Laurie was born August 3, 1969 and is from New Orleans. She has been married for 20 years to her amazing husband Everett with whom she has 2 beautiful children; a daughter whom is in college and a son whom is a junior in high school. She also has pup named Rusty.

In her free time, Laurie enjoys cooking, reading and traveling. Come chow time, she enjoys sushi and Thai food. “I love trying new foods.” Laurie’s ideal vacation would be to travel through the romantic cities of Europe. Venice, Italy, Paris, France, etc. are quite beautiful. If Laurie could have anyone play her in a movie, she would have Jodie Foster play the role. “Jodie Foster is an all time amazing actress. She can play all sides.” To get ready for the day, Laurie likes to jam to alternative rock. Red Hot Chili Peppers really gets her moving! She feels that her dependability and trustworthiness are her best attributes. “If you are in need of anything, I will be there to help.” Laurie’s most unusual habit is that she lays her son’s clothes out the night before in a certain order. If she could any car, she would want a convertable Jaguar. Not a bad choice. If Laurie could meet anyone, she would want to meet President Donald Trump. “I would lke to meet him and ask him tons of questions about his power in office.” Growing up, Laurie wanted to be a fashion designer. Perhaps we could have seen Laurie on the racks near Coco Chanel, Vera Wang, Vivienne Westwood, and Donatella Versace! Laurie’s most fond memory is when her husband asked her to marry him in front of 500 other people which embarassed her to death. Sounds like a beautiful and sweet memory. When she was younger, Laurie’s grandfather called her Tootiebell. Cute little nickname. I wonder if I should spread that around the office to get the rest of the staff calling her that. If she could visit any place in the world, Laurie would love to visit Alaska. Alaska is quite beautiful. The three biggest things on her bucket list are going to Alaska, white water rafting, and meeting the pope. Laurie’s big guilty pleasure is dark chocolate. Pair that with raspberry and you’ve got the most delectable treat on the planet. Her very first celebrity crush was Scott Baio. The best piece of advice Laurie has ever received was from her dad. “Do not ever give up and be the best you can be.” Laurie’s first job was a file clerk at an oil and gas company in high school. Finally, if she could have one super power, Laurie would want to have Telepathy or the ability to teleport. I would take teleportation. No car note. No car insurance. Sounds wonderful.

That’s it for this week’s Meet The Staff! Stop by next week to meet more of our wonderful staff!

Author: Pot-O-Gold

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